Hi, I am Simi, a Londoner who is steering this blog!

I am extremely passionate about making your money work best for you – in order to get confident with your finances & enjoy the things in life you love the most. For me, this includes spending time with my family, travelling and exploring London, hence alongside personal finance, these are the themes covered here.

“Let money help run your life. Don’t let money run your life”

Don’t forget to get in touch! I love hearing from you – check out my Personal Finance Instagram here or fill in the contact form.

Why Do I Have This Blog?

Whilst I have been pretty money savvy during the majority of my working life, I wish I started investing more from an earlier age. Like many people, I had no idea investing was a thing – only something I was lucky enough to come across. Therefore, I hope my posts will provide information on not only investing but saving, thrifty living and making your money work for you!

As seen in:

So where does travel come into all of this?

Travelling is a passion of mine. I am extremely fortunate to have visited 50 countries and many more cities! The large majority of my trips are explored as a ‘solo’ traveller, and I know how lucky I am to be able to pick up my passport, backpack and confidently explore an entire new country and city.

“Enjoy the little things in life because one day you’ll look back and realise they were the big things”

I am able to save my money and enjoy exploring what the world has too offer. I hope that you will be able to relate to me through my travel tales, money tips and highlights of my adventures.

Please note that I am NOT a financial advisor, nothing on this blog is financial advice – please do your own research before undertaking any investment with your money.